The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

by Mark Twain


The adventures of a boy nicknamed Huck, that fakes his own death and runaways from home. On his journey he meets a friend who is also a runaway. This one not a boy running from family but a slave running to freedom. Huck is faced with questions and problems on this adventure that change him from a boy in to a man.

Review: 8/10

I know some people dislike Mark Twain. His writing have always been in question for one reason or another. He was a man that had his own ideas and didn't care what other people thought of it. As such this book may not “politically correct”. I have to say in my eyes that makes this book all the better. I can not say I like every character or every idea Mark Twain has made. I can say that this book is worth the time to read. It is simple and entertaining but it holds with in it emotions that mark a time and place of are history. Twain is a measurement that was used by steamboats to mark water that was on the edge of being dangerous or safe. To call out Mark Twain is to say you are safe but beware if the water gets any shallower your in trouble. I would say that this book is just that a journey down dangerous waters, by a guide that keeps you in the safe areas.